Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1989 — Blueprint announced [ARTICLE]
Blueprint announced
This month, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be distributing by mail and through other means 100,000 copies of a special OHA tabloid newspaper that explains the OHA "Blueprint for Native Hawaiian Entitlements." Distribution of the special issue was planned in conjunction with an official OHAannouncement Sept. 2. OHA voter households throughout the state and other individuals presently on the Ka Wai Ola O OHA mailing list will receive their copy in the mail. Copies will also be distributed at public locations and through the OHA offices on eaeh island. Future issues of Ka Wai Ola O OHA will provide further information on this important document, and current OHA initiatiyes.