Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 9, 1 September 1989 — American Indians to visit Hawai'i [ARTICLE]
American Indians to visit Hawai'i
An American Indian-Hawaiian Cultural Exchange will take plaee on Kaua'i Sept. 22 and 23 as part of the third annual Mokihana Festival. The exchange is also scheduled on O'ahu from Sept. 28 through Oct. 3. Miehael Kasparian, an American Indian who now lives at Princeville, is the movingforce behind the exchange. Demonstrations of traditional Native American Indian crafts of rug weaving, jewelry-making, pottery-making, and sand painting are in the plans, Kasparian said. In addition, the program is expected to include a drum group and singer, a medieine man presiding over a sweat lodge, and a "talking circle" moderator. A number of Amenean Indian dances will be part of the program. On a visit to the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Kasparian told OHA Board of Trustees Chairman Thomas K. Kaulukukui Sr. that the theme of the exchange is "Unity And Harmony."