Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 8, 1 August 1989 — Page 16 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I Castle ean help. Whether it's drug abuse or aleohol addiction, Castle Medical Center has always been a leader in the treatment of substance abuse in Hawaii. Wve helped thousands of people — adolescents and adults alike — through specialized inpatient and outpatient programs. But treatment really begins with prevention. And right now, through an Office of Hawaiian Affairs grant, Castle is bringing hard-hitting information to 10,000 students in schools across the state. Let Castle help you. Our outpatient offices are located throughout Oahu and the neighbor islands. Just give us a eall, 263-5329. n Castle Medical Center
1 ^^^^Kapi'olani 955-7873 • Peaii Kai 486-7873 • Kane'ohe 263-7873 • Lahalna 661-7873 ■ Hawal'l Kal 396-7873 ■ Klhel 879-7873