Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 8, 1 August 1989 — Page 14 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
(Advertisement) Hawaii Cuisine
From a humhle beginning as a small poi processi ng company 43 years ago, Honolulu Poi hasgrown to meet the many changing needs of Hawai'i's market. Taro Brand now also includes such well known products as bean sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, tossed salads, cooked taro and lomi salmon. Sheila Scott Freitas, administrative assistant at Honolulu Poi and a 1969 Kamehameha graduate says, "we are committed to providing the freshest and highest quality products for Hawai'i's people. Nutrition and convenience are our goals for the future." Hawaii Food Products Ine., manufacturers of Kalua pork, laulau, char siu, roast pork, portuguese sausage and luau leaf, has been serving Hawai'i's people for over 30 years. HFP recently opened a new location in Waipio Gentry and is the first USDA-approved manufacturing plant for loeal Hawaiian foods. With the USDA approval, there will be higher quality standards HFP will concentrate on the west coast, Asia and the Pacific rim islands. Kaku Tofu is a definite must for tofu fans. Hand manufactured in the traditional style by brothers Kirk and Stuart Kaku, who learned the trade secret from their grandfather in Hilo, Kaku Tofu is made with natural nigari and cooked in a cauldron over an open fire. Made fresh daily with no preservatives or ehemieal additives, Kaku Tofu is also the lowest priced tofu in town and offers free home deliveries to most of O'ahu. Hawai'i I'a, the smoked fish snack,is manufactured by Tri-Palm Industries. Entrepreneur Gordon Graham created Hawai'i I'a from his memories as a child growing up on smoked
salmon. Today, these memories are a reality as his modern day smoke house produces a delicious and delicate smoked fish snack excellent as an appetizer or a meal in itself. Manna Brand Mandoo is the creation of Kenneth Chae, owner of Pioneer Trading in Kapalama. Mandoo, also known as Chines dumplings, is an excellent pupu dish and comes in three great flavors: beef, pork and vegetarian.
Manna Brand Mandoo is available at most stores and priced for the kama'aina's budget. In 1938, deep in Kalihi Valley, Kim Chin Wha began producing kim ehee and selling it on River street for 754 a gallon. Today, three generations later, Joe Kim's Kim Chee (named by Wha after his son Joe Kim), is still masterfully produced by grandson Richard and 12 employees. Joe Kim's Kim Chee uses no preservatives.
Deep In KAlihi VAllEy SiNCE 1958... SERviNq aII of HAWAii. Ma[iaIo Joe KiMrs Ki'm ChEE /iwUlaAie <*t <f<%u % fcuuvUtc 4ufrvtMu*n£etl
HA\^^SB^and smoked fish snack SMOKED M A R L I N Use as a party dip or spread with your favorite cracber. vegetabie or bread. Looh for us in your favorite supermarbet. TRI-PALM INDUSTRIES 4331 Lawehana, Honolulu, Hl 96818 • Acfoss from Costco
' FOR HAWAII, ITS HERITAGE, ITS PEOPLE V 1 krmyi JjJ^^^^^^j^^Fo^ualityJslan^resh^ork&^orl^roduct^all^36^S3^^
Our commitment remains...nutritious foods Serving Hawaii's Retailers Since 1946 TheSymbol 288 Ubby Street/Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 848-2431 }or Service & Quality
<e> ^ō^-p^hionepiapmpe t0fū nop reser vat1ves _ mednjm-ftrm H_.30/2^oz. bīock 1130 North Nimitz Highway - Nimitz Business Center 545-3125 fAMILY OWNEP & OPEHAĪEP fREE DEUVERYI |