Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 7, 1 July 1989 — Our Readers Write. [ARTICLE]
Our Readers Write.
Dear Editor: 1 am writing to you concerning the poliee raid in Miloli'i, Hawai'i of a family's home ("Trustee's Views," Ka Wai Ola O OHA March 1988) . 1 am one of the attorneys representing the Llanes family. It is undisputed _that a poliee raid with weapons drawn and aimed took plaee. Apparently, the poliee could not even properly identify the person they sought to arrest. The purpose of this letter is to enlighten some of the persons who have been misinformed eoncerning the version by the poliee of this incident. First, the only stcitements made by the poliee concerning this incident have been made by officer Silva who does not have any personal knowledge of the raid whatsoever. Second, I appeared at two public hearings before the Poliee Commission. After the first hearing Poliee Chief Vierra promised to provide us with their statements of the incident after our people gave their statements. To date no report has been filed (though) the investigation has been eompleted since April 19.
Further, at the second hearing I attended a motion was unanimously passed that information be released as soon as possible. The investigation currently being conducted is internal and "closed door." I requested that at the very least our people be allowed to reviewj:heir own statements whieh were taken for accuracy. The deputy corporation counsel, Gerald Takase, stated in the minutes of the meeting of April 19 that "he feels that Mikonczyk's clients should at least be cdlowed to see what information is being put in from their side that is being evaluated." Please note that it is my opinion that inaction on this matter has been deliberate. 1 believe that Native Hawaiians should be treated with more respect. It is unfortunate that some Hawaiians have lost their will to stand up for what is right and assert their elaim of dignity. David J. Mikonczyk, Esq. Honolulu Dear Editor: I am trying to get in touch with my 'ohana, who 1 believe is unaware of their family lineage to me. These are the children of the late Kawailoa and Emma Kaikana. Emma died October 11, 1985. Her maiden name was Emma Molena Kekauoha. Their names are: Esther Kaikana, Aliee Kaikana, Mrs. Abraham (Frances) Naone, Mrs. Joseph (Mary) Gallarde, Mrs. Leroy (Emma) Alexander, Arthur Kaikana, George Kaikana, James Kaikana. Will this family please get in touch with me at 373-4158. Sincerely, Larry Loyes Kukahiko Aweau Sr. Editor, Aloha kaua, Thank-you so very mueh from my na'au for your extremely thoughtful article, "Ho'oulu Na Mea kaha Ki'i," in the May issue of Ka Wai Ola 'O
OHA. The article has been an excellent vehicle to share my thesis exhibition "Ho'oulu" with our people. 1 deeply appreciate your caring, supportive, and loving nature. Our people are rising and surging forth. . .We are achieving many advances in our lives. We are finding various strategies to fight for the endlessly rich knowledge that our ancestors and elders are giving to us. Through their gifts of strength, we will always be able to survive. . .they āre forever inspirational in our lives. Again. . .Mahalo a nui loa! He mana'o ko'u ia'oe. . .A hui hou. . .Malama Pono. . . April Aileen Hokulani Drexel Dear Editor: I just read the article by Rocky Jensen in the May issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA and was very disappointed that he assumes that our carver, William Puou, has the job title of groundskeeper. This has also been a disappointment with Bill. Our carvers have always has the title of wood carver. In fact, we have never used the title of groundskeeper here. We've had several contacts with Rocky in the past and are very sorry he never discussed job titles with us. Aloha, Jerry Y. Shimoda Superintendent, Puuhonua o Honaunau Nahonal Historic Park Dear Editor: An article by Rocky Jensen in the June 1989 edition of Ka Wai Ola O OHA was most interesting. He pointed out that statues of Ku differed on various islands. Yet when asked "How do you know whieh one is Ku, and how ean you tell whieh island the statues eome from," he didn't answer the question. 1 would be very interested in the answer. Is it possible to follow up? Sincerely, Elisabeth K. Anderson, M.D., M.P.H. Chief, Hospital and Medical Facilities Branch, State Department of Health