Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 7, 1 July 1989 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]

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OHA Board Business

By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer

The May meeting of the OHA board of trustees was held in Lihue, Kauai on May 20, at the Lihue Shopping Center conference room. Present were Chairman Kaulukukui and trustees Akaka, Burgess, Ching, DeSoto, Kahaialii and Keale, trustees Hao and Mahoe were excused. Chairman's Report Chairman Kaulukukui informed the board about his May 16-19 trip to Washington, D.C. to testify on May 18 before the Senate Subcommittee on Human Services and Aging. Kaulukukui called for increased funding of the 01der Americans Act in order to properly address the needs of elderly native Hawaiians. Community Meeting The board considered concerns and requests identified at a community meeting held the previous evening at Wilcox School cafeteria in Lihue. Staff was directed to follow-up and make recommendations on: • Concems that the proposed Wailua bridge expansion would result in an adverse impact on archaeological sites. • A previous request by HAO (Hawaiian Agencies Organization) for funds to help estāblish a child care center project on Kauai. • A request from kumu hula Roselle Bailey to support her petition before the State Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). The petition asks that her organization Ka 'Imi Na'auao O Hawai'i Nei be appointed kahu (curator) for the historic and cultural sites at Ke'e on Kauai. OId Government Road Trustee Ching expressed eoneem about the status of negotiations between the state Board of Land and Natural Resources and a group of Diamond Head residents over title to astrip of beach front land known as 01d Govemment Road. In view of a court decision favorable to the state, Ching asked why the land department was considering a compromise whieh would allow the residents to retain a portion of the property. The board instmcted OHA legal counsel to convey its concems and seek clarification of the state's intention with regard to the land. Administrator's Report The administrator recommended three temporary secretaries be hired to staff OHA's standing committees. The 1990 legislature will be requested to make these positions permanent. The recommendation was adopted unanimously. Congratulatory Resolutions The board unanimously adopted resolutions: • Congratulating Walter Smith, Jr. upon being chosen Hawaii's Small Businessperson of the Year by the U.S. Small Business Administration; • Recognizing Pastor Mealii Kalama's great and good works and her many contributions to Hawaiian culture; • Congratulating 12-year-old Haunani Bishaw for her heroic actions in preventing possible injury or death to members of her family. When her Kaunakakai home caught fire late last year, Haunani, utilizing "Firefighter's Safety Guide" training received in school, remained ealm, roused her family, assisted in evacuating them from the buming building and phoned 911 from a neighbor's house. Program Committee The board unanimously adopted a motion to name the late Gregory Kalahikiola Naliielua, known as Papa Kala, as the first recipient of a newly created OHA board of trustees Na Kupuna Po'okela award honoring an outstanding kupuna. The award was to be presented posthumously at the May 28 'Aha Kupuna Conference. External Affairs The board unanimously adopted a motion that OHA file registration forms for all stream and river

diversions and declarations of water use for all stream ānd river diversions and declarations of water use for all kuleana lands in the State of Hawaii in order to protect water rights of Native Hawaiians as well as OHA's interest in such lands when owners die without heirs or takers. Executive Session The following matters, discussed in executive session, were ratified unanimously when the Board reconvened in open session: • Personnel Hiring: Approved administrator's recommendation to hire Ann L. Moore as publications assistant; • Personnel Hiring: Approved administrator's recommendation to hire Arthur Manoharan as Health and Human Services Officer. • Approved the composition of the Standing Committee on Native Hawaiian Status and Entitlements as follows: co-chairpersons — Rod Burgess and A. Frenchy DeSoto; members — Moanaikeala Akaka, Clarence Ching, Manu Kahaialii and Moses Keale. • Approved the contract for attomey Paul Alexander through June 30, 1990. • Approved the contract for the law firm of Pirtle, Morisset, Schlosser & Ayer, subject to administrative review and approval. The next board meeting was set for Thursday, June 29, 1989 in Hilo, Hawaii.