Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1989 — Veterans invited to join Herbert K. Pililaʻau Post 12 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Veterans invited to join Herbert K. Pililaʻau Post 12
Herbert K. Pilila'au was a young man from the Wai'anae coast who died at an early age while in military service to his country in the Korean War. Pilila'au was killed September 17, 1951 in the battle of Heartbreak Ridge, Korea, when he remained behind to cover the withdrawal of his troop. He singlehandedly fought off heavy enemy fire until he ran out of ammunition, then fought hand-to-hand until he was overcome by sheer numbers. When Heartbreak Ridge was later retaken, 40 enemy dead lay around where he fell, according to a spokesman for the American Legion. Pilila'au received a posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery, the highest U.S. award for military heroism. He has the distinction
of being the only Hawaiian with an American Legion post and unit named after him. A Wai'anae county park was also named after him. Recently, Pilila'au was again honored when the Makua Valley training site was renamed and dedicated May 4 as the Herbert K. Pilila'au training center. Present for the ceremony were members of his family, who belong to the Herbert K. Pilila'au Post 12 and auxiliary. The post is part of the American Legion, a national veterans' service organization whieh promotes Americanism. The post organizes programs for children and youth. At present there are 18 male members in the Herbert K. Pilila'au Post 12— veterans, their sons or fathers. Eligible members are veterans of the Civil War, World War I and II, the Korean war and the Vietnam war. The same number of members are in the women's auxiliary. Post members are eligible for some benefits through the American Legion. Current auxiliary president Karen Maunakea says they are seeking new members in the men's post and women's auxiliary. Open membership meetings take plaee the third Sunday of eaeh month. She invites Hawaiians with a link to the military to join the unit or any American Legion post. The Legion held its convention last month at the Pagoda Hotel. Her aunt is past auxiliary president Katherine Maunakea, a Wai'anae coast kupuna known for her lauhala weaving expertise. She said among the special activities of the auxiliary are regular visits on the last Tuesday of eaeh month to veterans at Tripler Army Medical Center. Eaeh year the auxiliary conducts a special activity to raise funds for its children's programs, and they will onee again help sell crepe paper poppy flowers for Veteran's Day on November 11. For information on membership in the Herbert K. Pilila'au Post 12 and Auxiliary, eall Karen Maunakea at 696-2581 or Katherine Maunakea, 668-1965 or eall the American Legion, Dept. of Hawaii at 946-6383.
Herbert K. Pilila'au