Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 7, 1 July 1989 — Nanakuli students make, star in anti-drug video [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Nanakuli students make, star in anti-drug video

The efforts of one Hawai'i high school to bring the message of substance abuse prevention will be shown in "the making of 'Nanakuli High,' " a halfhour special on Channel 9 KGMB, July 10 at 7 p.m., prepared by reporter Jade Moon. It follows the making of a video on substance abuse by students last summer. "Nanakuli High: The Youth Connection," is the result of a specially designed six week summer school class offered through the Hawai'i State Department of Education and the Kamehameha

Schools/Bishop Estate. The purpose of the class was to combine drama and video with topics related to substance abuse. Eighteen students participated in the class whieh met for four hours, five days a week for six weeks. Working with video professionals they created dramatic and comedic vignettes whieh reflect their perceptions, knowledge and experiences. These are featured in the students' final 30-minute production. "Nanakuli High: The Youth Connection" was shot on location in Hawai'i and is part of a larger

» substance abuse prevention project designed to develop culturally appropriate programs for Native Hawaiian youth. This approach involves combining contemporary media and utilizing youth as discussion facilitators. The tape has been used in a number of ways. It has been shown in its entirety or using clips with a discussion following. Audiences have included peers, younger students, parents and elders. None of the students on the tape have had previous acting classes or been involved in media. They represented a wide range of lifestyles and involvement with substances ranging from never having experimented to being frequent users. Terry Kelly, director of Kamehameha's Native Hawaiian Drug Free Schools/Communities Program, says "We have found that the video presentation combined with student involvement has been an effective way to open the doors for future dialogue between Native Hawaiian youth and their schools and communities. Copies of the videotape are available for loan to schools or youth groups, along with other free materials. For information, eall the Native Hawaiian Drug Free Schools/Communities Program, 842-5802 or 668-1517.

Students who participated in "Nanakuli High: The Youth Connection:" Back Row— Leona Cullen, Syllia Oamaeho, Holly Asinsin, Daralyn Ha'o, Lydia Farias. Keliikoa Kahalewai,

Clement Ahina, Wilton Romena. Floor— Raedene De Cambra. Moses Kameaioha, Alsie Distajo, Taifao Matautia. Not in Photograph: Ann Marie Bright, Jeremiah lverson, Brenda Lee, Johnnie Jo Murray, Ben Sale, Emi Wong.