Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 7, 1 July 1989 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ībcHERITAGE -.. Series ... :'"^-i?^v,,.. |l v ^ -_,„ T ~ ^ - ! Bank of Hawaii is proud to sponsor the lllllk, Heritage Senes, an exploration of the rich ' ■ -*-* cultural heritage of Hawaii and its people. -: - ' -*> , You won't want to miss these upcoming programs including such topics as the " Kumulipo (ancient Hawaiian creation ^ .,., ' chant), the venerable Gabby Pahinui, ,-i^ Hawaii'spopularslackkeyguitaristsand 5, ^§b& Hawaiian flora and fauna. J| ^lglj|k llp You ean hear the Heritage Series at 12:30 J|t 1 & \ p.m. on the last Sunday of every month. Sm Jm 8 ■ Just tune in KCCN Radio, 1420 on your BBl^ēBĒ ^ . 8 .,.■: jj^k . AM dial. If you miss Sunday'sprogram, M>- %«- « listen the following week on Wednes- ^HHHH JĒĒL iHk day evening at 7:30 p.m. when it will be rcbroadcast. We hope you enjoy these programs. ' ,Ji /V JmĒĒ » j A 1*1 Bank of Hawni i HAWAIISBANK ■ KHI&K^K £& gBBK