Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 6, 1 June 1989 — Pearl Harbor Club Marks 25th Anniversary [ARTICLE]
Pearl Harbor Club Marks 25th Anniversary
The Pearl Harbor Hawaiian Civic Club eelebrated their 25th anniversary at an installation dinner April 15 at the Pearl Harbor Naval CPO Club. The hui was sponsored by the Kailua Hawaiian Civic Club and chartered into the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs on Apnl 16, 1964. The installing officer was Ellie Hutchinson, president of Kailua HCC. Eugene Burke, first president of Pearl Harbor HCC helped present certificates to the following officers: Anna Wahinehookae, president; Jean Ponteras, first vice president; Peter Ching, second vice president; Patrick Sniffen, treasurer; 01ga Kalama, recording secretary; Maile Puahala, corresponding secretary; Toni Lee, ehaplain; Helen Chamizo, historian; and Joseph Naehu, sergeant-at-arms. Shirley Kala Holden is the immediate past president. Na Opio club members helped with the seating, auction, and honored their president Lee Ann Dulatre, who was also installed in a separate ceremony. Over 200 were treated to festive entertainment by the PHHCC chorale, directed by Nola Nahulu and club members Kaua Ioane and Charles
Wahinehookae. Clarence Kelley sang a few songs and Lisa Kamalani danced the hula. Mueh to the delight of the audience, guest members of the Nanaikapono and Kailua Hawaiian civic clubs also entertained with some old favorites. Charles Lindsey of the Nanaikapono club surprised everyone with his agility in two terrific hulas. Taking a nostalgic trip, "Down Memory Lane. " these members modeled club uniforms from past years: Ben Mendiola, Helen Chamizo, Leiala Cravalho, Lei Enos, Ella Howard, Lena Neiderer, Daisy Siguoin, and Bea Rosa. Donations to the club's scholarship fund were made by Jalna Keala, president of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, the Kailua HCC, (just as they did 25 years ago), James Upchurch, and Eugene Burke and his wife. Presentation of the Outstanding Member Award by last year's recipient Maile Puahala, went to a very stunned Peter Ching. The award, a perpetual koa calabash, is named for the late Mitchell Pei who was also an outstanding member of the club. Ching is the 16th recipient of the prestigious award, and will keep the calabash for one year, then receive a small duplicate bowl to keep.