Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 6, 1 Iune 1989 — Volcano-themed Art Sought For Exhibit [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Volcano-themed Art Sought For Exhibit

Artists in all media are invited to enter "Visions of the Volcano," a traveling art exhibition whieh will mark the Volcano Art Center's 15th anniversary. This first statewide traveling exhibition of volcano-inspired artwork will open at the Volcano Art Center during anniversary celebrations in November 1989, and will then travel to the other islands and the Mainland in 1990. The exhibition is supported by the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. Deadline for entries is June 15 1989 Selected artwork will be photographed for the exhibition catalogue. All work must be originai and created independently within the past two years. No work shown previously in a juried exhibition in Hawai': is eligible. For further information and for a prospectus, contact: Greg Northrup (O'ahu), 734-7436; Judi, Bisgard (Maui), of Hui Noeau and Maui Culture and Arts Center, 878-1007; Joslyn Werner (East Hawaii), 967-7676 and West Hawai'i coordinatoi Sam Rosen, 324-1688. Kaua'i artists may contact Carole Adams of Stones Gallery, 245-6653. Special awards will be given for eaeh island s entries and all exhibiting artists will receive a eomplementary copy of an illustrated exhibition catalogue. The selected work of Hawai'i artists with a vo! eano theme will join the works of contemporary mainland artists and a eolleehon of historical paint ings of the volcano.