Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 6, 1 June 1989 — OHA Budget [ARTICLE]
OHA Budget
from page 1 program will assist families with DHHL leases to build their own high quality, low cost homes through team self-help housing methods. • $55,000 (matched by OHA) to provide funds to match federal dollars to eonhnue the Native Hawaiian Drug Free Schools program whieh began in 1987. The program is a cooperative effort of OHA, Castle Medical Center, the Honolulu Poliee Department and {he State Department of Education. • $20,000 (matched by OHA) tocomplete negotiations with the state's executive branch on OHA's ceded land entitlements. • $57,500 (matched by OHA) to refine and draft federal reparations legislation and to plan OHA's proposals on issues such as sovereignty, lands and natural resources and native rights. • $32,600 (matched by OHA) to produce a multimedia production designed to inform and enlist the assistance of Hawaiians and peoples of other ethnic backgrounds nationally and internationally in the Hawaiian reparations effort. The budget bill also provided funds for a finaneial and management audit of OHA by the Legislative Auditor, whieh will include "an evaluation of all existing programs and . . . recommendations on measures of effectiveness and reporting format for eaeh program area . . ." The report is to be submitted prior to the 1990 legislative session. A separate bill provided funds to increase OHA trustees' compensation from $50 to $100 for eaeh day's attendance at meetings. $27,900 (matched by OHA) was appropriated for that purpose. Senator Mike Crozier, chairman of the committee on housing and Hawaiian programs, said in a floor speech favoring OHA's budget bill, "I firmly believe that the organization of OHA has been strengthened so it ean effectively service the Hawaiian people. This legislature agreed with the trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs that certain new initiatives should be started to eontinue the rising tide."