Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 6, 1 June 1989 — Civic Clubs Pay Visit To Mauna ʻAla [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Civic Clubs Pay Visit To Mauna ʻAla

As dusk settled over the grounds of Mauna 'Ala in Nu'uanu Valley, torchlit ceremonies to the beat of pahu recalled the days of old Hawai'i. The 21-member clubs of the O'ahu Oouneil of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs gathered in early May for a historic walk through the grounds of the Royal Mausoleum, hosted by president Dexter Soares and the board of directors of the O'ahu Council. The eternal love and respect of the Hawaiian people for their ali'i was shown through both oli (chants) and ho'okupu (tributes) offered at eaeh tomb. A procession of about 150 invited club members and dignitaries made their way solemnly

about the grounds. The evening began with a formal ceremony to open the gates of Mauna 'Ala. Kamuela Chun and Pua Kanahele gave the chants of weleome. Then began a stately procession to the Kamehameha tomb. There, mele inoa in honor of the Kamehamehas and Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop (a Kamehameha descendant) were given by Kamuela Chun, Pua Kanahele and Randie Fong. The next tomb visited was the Kalakaua crypt in the center of the grounds. Again chanting a weleome to the guests and mele inoa in honor of the Kalakaua dynasty, were Kamuela Chun and Pua Kanahele. Following a candle lighting cere-

mony and presentation of Ho'okupu at the crypt, there was a musical ho'okupu from the choir, whieh sang Sanoe and The Queen's Jubilee, written by Queen Lili'uokalani. The highlight of the evening was a service in the Royal Chapel. Lydia Namahanaikaleleokalani Taylor Maioho, hereditary curator of Mauna 'Ala, spoke about the history of the Royal Mausoleum. Soares, president of the O'ahu Council thanked the member clubs and guests for participating in this tribute to the ali'i of Hawai'i and encouraged civic club members to visit the Mausoleum often and to remember the legacy of the ali'i that Hawaiians today must perpetuate.

Chanters Kamuela Chun (center) and Pualani Kanahele (within gates) conducted a formal ceremony of weleome before O'ahu Council members entered the grounds of Mauna 'Ala

Lei ho'okupu were first presented at the tomb of the Kamehamehas.

Halau Hula O Mililani performed oli to the Kamehameha ali'i and the Kalakaua dynasty.

Heading the procession were (L-R): Lydia Maioho, curator of Mauna 'Ala, Carol and Edward Kawananakoa, Dexter Soares and Kamuela Chun.

Pearl Harbor HCC members sing songs in honor of the Kamehamehas.

Invited dignitaries including Edward Kawananakoa, (center) presented ho'okupu at the Kalakaua crypt.

Chanter Pualani Kanahele chants a mele inoa honoring the Kalakaua dynasty as the 150 guests proceed to the tomb.