Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 6, 1 Iune 1989 — KCC Offers Summer Classes For Seniors [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

KCC Offers Summer Classes For Seniors

Summer classes, workshops and excursions for senior citizens begin June 15 at Kapiolani Community College and Moiliili Community Center. The "Senior Explorations" program is for persons 60 years or older. Some of the courses scheduled are: Hawaiian Archaeology Studies: Ancient Sites on O'ahu, Natural History Studies: The Hawaiian Environment, Judaica Studies: Storytelling in the Bible, Native American Studies: The Cultures of North American Indians, Philippine Studies: The Culture of the Filipino People, American Region Studies: The South, Printing Press Studies: Making Your

Own Booklet, How Things Work Studies: Knowing Your House or Apartment, Theatre Arts Studies: Beginning Acting, China Studies: The Chinese Language & People T.oday, European Literature Studies: Portuguese Poetry & Prose, Mysteries of the World Studies: Is There Life After Death?, Mysteries of the Body Studies: Your Teeth, JapanStudies: Kitsuke, The Artof Wearing the Kimono, Film Studies: The Family in Asian Film, and the "Campus on Wheels" bus excursions and a series of special walking tours. T o receive a brochure on the summer offering of classes and information on how to register, senior citizens should eall the Office of Community Services, Kapiolani Community College, 734-9211. Senior Explorations is made possible through the support of the Executive Office on Aging. For more information, please eall 734-9211.