Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 Mei 1989 — Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
lāīliliāl Advertising Rates Just $9.50 per eolumn ineh plus .38 tax. (approx. 1 in. long x 1 ]/2 in. wide). Up to 24 words per ineh! To qualify for this low, low classified rate, we must request that ads not include artwork or other special layout requirements. To plaee an ad with us, eall 943-8599, or use the convenient form below. All ads must be prepaid. r 1 l I 1 2 3 I I 4 5 6 I I | 7 8 9 | I I | 10 U 12 | I I 13 14 15 I I 16 17 18 I I 19 20 21 I I 22 23 24 I I I Clip form and mail with payment to: Innovation, P.O. Box 62155, Honolulu, Hawaii 96839. L I TITLE SEARCHER 2-3 years experience, Salary $15,000+ negotiable. Native Hawaiian Legal Corp. 521-2302 Carrie TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES W0RD PR0CESS0RS • SECRETARIES • ĪYPISTS DATA ENTRY 0PERAT0RS • RECEPTIONISTS SWITCHBOARD • ACCOUNTING CLERKS LIGHT INDUSTRlAL W0RKERS • BENEFITS • High Weekly Pay, Vocation & Holidūy Poy, HMSA or Koiser, Free Word Processing īraining (quūfified opplkonh) MANPOWER®© TEMPORARY SERVICES ® H0N01ULU 524-3630 PEARLRIDG€ 487-0009 BED SETS (Hotel 2 pe. Bed Sets) New Smooth Top Twin $14995 Double $19995 Queen $280°° King $425°° SATIN SHEET SETS Including fitted, flat & 2 pillow cases Twin $229' Double $2949 Queen $32" King $34" UNFINISHED CHESTS 10-year guarantee against termites and damage. Completeiy assembled. 20" Wide 24" Wide 3 Drawer $3995 3 Drawer $4495 4 Drawer $4495 4 Drawer $5495 5 Drawer $54,s 5 Drawer $6995 USED BEDS Twin Set $40 Double Set $80 Queen Set $65 King Set $100 BUNK BED Finished & Complele. Includes 6" innerspring, mattresses, platform, ladder & frame $295°°