Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 May 1989 — Falsetto Festival May 20 In North Kohala [ARTICLE]

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Falsetto Festival May 20 In North Kohala

The second annual Hawaiian Falsetto Festival will be held Saturday, May 20, at the Kamehameha Park gym in North Kohala, on the Big Island. The festivai will benefit Pohaku Ho'okumu preschool, a unique, innovative preschool. It is a nonprofit organization created specifically for the ehildren of North Kohala. The curriculum stresses pride in Hawaii's cultures, academic success and the Aloha spirit. The festival will feature: • Clyde Sproat, the Big Island's foremost falsetto singer. Sproat performed at Carnegie Hall and was featured on the "Spectrum" and "Treasures" TV shows. He is a nationally recognized folk artist; • Dennis Pavao, leadsinger of Hui O Hana. Pavao is the most recognized falsetto singer in Hawai'i, with an award-winning voice, and award winning albums;

• Becky Pau, the "Songbird of Puna," who is known for her "wavy-type" falsetto singing. Pau comes from an old-time falsetto-singing family; • The Dela Cruz Brothers, two young men in their 20s, perform with Don Ho. They were the 1988 Hoku Award nominees for "Kalamaula". They are known for their clear, dual falsetto blend; • Kulia 1 Ka Nu'u, three m6n in their late 20s and 30s are Kahuanu Lake proteges. . ,twofalsettoand one bass singer. They are known for their smooth Lake Trio style; • George Naope, an old time falsetto singer and master kumu hula, known as the Merrie Monarch Festival organizer; Tickets are available at Kona: Rhythm & Reading, Hilo: Rhythm & Reading, Kai Store; Kamuela: Mauna Kea Music, Travel Unlimited, Kohala: Kohala Sporting, Makai Autoparts, Dawns, and Pohaku Ho'okumu Preschool.