Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 May 1989 — Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
PUBLIC NOTICE IMPORTANT DEADI2NE FOR FILING DECLARAHONS UNDER THE NEW STATE WATER CODE MAY 27, 1989 IS TfflS THE GREAT MAHELE OF WATER RIGHTS? ATTENTION: ANYUSEROFWATER MUST FILE BY MAY 27, 1989 0R YOU MAY LOSE YOUR WATER USE 0R RIGHT, INCLUDING KULEANA RIGHTS, IN THE FUTURE # NAIWE HAWAIIAN WATER RIGHTS AWARENESS WEEK May 16 - 26, 1989 FOR OWNERS OR OPERATORS 0F WELLS AND STREAM DIVERSIONS & THOSE WITH: APPURTENANT RIGHTS, (kuleana lands & lands in taro in 1 848) RIPARIAN USES, (land bordering or on a stream, river, creek, or natural water-course) & CORRELATTVE USES ( ground water, water found below surface of earth whether dike-confined, flowing or percolating) UNDER THE NEW STATE WATER CODE: "[A Jny person making a use ofwater in any area ofthe state shall ūle a declaration ofthe person's use ... Ifno declaration is filed. the commission, in its discretion, may conclusively determine the extent of the uses .... " (Chapter 174C, Section 26, Hawaii Revised Statutes) THESE DECLARATIONS MAY BE USED IN DETERMINING YOUR WATER RIGHTS: "[T]he confirmed usage shall be recognized by the commission in resolvine claims relating to existing water riehts and uses including appurtenant rights [kuleana or taro rights], riparian [stream] and correlative [ground water] use. " (Chapter 174C, Section 27, Hawaii Revised Statutes) D0 NOT RELY ON: 1) ANY PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF POSSIBLE EXTENSION. It is the legal opinion ofNHAC that such an extension would not be valid. 2) ANY REPRESENTATIONS THAT TARO 0R KULEANA RIGHTS ARE GUARANTEED. FOR FURTHEK INFORMATION& ASSISTANCE, CALL: NATIVE HAWAIIAN ADVISORY COUNCIL A Non-Profu 501(c)(3) Organization devoted to educating Hawaiians as to their legal rights 523-1445 Outer lslands CALL 1-800-522-1445 1 088 Bishop Street - Executive Centre, Suite 1 204 - Honolulu, Hawaii 9681 3