Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 May 1989 — Page 9 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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PULAMA I KA HO OILINA ^ W e are accepting applications for Resource Persons in the Hawaiian Studies Program, Ē \ Honolulu District, Department of / \ Education. I ||| 1 Would you like to share your knowledge 1 M N\ I and skills about Nā Mea HawaPi with % students and tēachers? You ean be a kupuna/ makua and be part of this program. If you S have knowledge about Hawaiian culture , customs , ^ language, history, arts and crafts, foods, gathering and fishing, navigation, architecture, mythology, health, sports and games, genealogy, music and dance, and more. . .for our children of today and future na keiki o ka iāina...give a gift of knowledge. Positions for part-time Resource Persons are available. Hawaiian Studies Department — Honolulu District Call us ot 732-7634