Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 5, 1 May 1989 — "Roots And Branches" Of Parker Family Published [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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"Roots And Branches" Of Parker Family Published

Genealogist and author Eva Parker Newton writes that her just published book, "Roots and Branches of Arthur K.W. Parker and Eva Margaret Viera Parker" is "more than a collection of names, dates, places and established kinships." lndeed, it is a thoroughly researched, extensive genealogy of the well-known Parker family of Kawai'i, a fascinating delving into names and kinships. With the help of the many widespread branches of the Parker 'ohana, Newton has also put together an amazingly diverse, human record of events and settings in whieh the family lived. "Roots and Branches" will also interest many people other than just the Parker 'ohana. For families just beginning their genealogical search, or for those with detailed records who want to know more, the book is also a concise "how to" guide that ean show you how to save time and money and enjoy your research. Mueh of this information may be obtained through records, documents, correspondence, diaries, wills, diplomas, letters or other similar sources. In reading the book, don't be surprised to find the names of friends, family, schoolmates and work associates. After all, the book contains more than 4,500 names and is current up to 1987. Among the family branches set down for posterity are the lines of Leal, Saffre(y), Palmer, Spencer, Avila, Bettencourt, Wallaee, Atherton, Bird, as well as Waipa and Kipikane, and of course, Parker and Viera. These branches are depicted on the book's cover, in striking family crests. The "relentless pursuit" of the Parker family genealogy consumed the better part of 35 years of research by author Newton. She was born in Honolulu and is a 1936 graduate of Kamehameha Schools and holds a B. A. in English from California State University at Hayward, California. Newton has taught classes in beginning genealogical research for the Utah Genealogical Society regional library housed at Brigham Young University, and has served as assistant librarian

there. Her primary staff to accomplish this published book has been her relatives and friends. Their willingness to share their time, material, and information about family history has been priceless in the completion of this book, published by Delsby Publications of Los Angeles, California. Newton was assisted in her project by brothers David P. Parker (KS '53) an artist, photographer and lecturer on Hawaiian genealogy and culture, and Edmund K. Parker, Sr. (KS '49), lecturer, author, publisher, producer, actor, stunt coordinator and choreographer for movies and tv. David Parker created the illustrations and crests for the book, and Edmund Parker, Jr. designed the book and cover. Newton resides with her husband Herbert R.

I Newton, in Orem, Utah. Her daughter Gwen and husband Gale Anderson and grandsons Keoni, Kyle and Grant, live in Logan, Utah. Family members may order copies from David P. Parker, 47-172 Kohina St., Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 (or phone 235-2643); or from Beth Parker Uale, at 729 Kii St., Honolulu, HI 96825, or phone 395-6311. Cost is $65 for the hardbound edition, or $55 for the paperback copy. Copies will be made available at a later date for public purchase.

Members of the Parker family present a copy of their famiiy genealogy to OHA chairman Thomas Kaulukukui. From left to right: Marguerite (Bertelmann) Yap Parker, her husband Edmund K. Parker, Sr., David P. Parker, and Kaulukukui.