Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 4, 1 April 1989 — Sacred Places Focus Of August Symposium [ARTICLE]

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Sacred Places Focus Of August Symposium

What constitutes a sacred plaee? How do humans recognize sacredness at such a plaee? How ean we define sacred places and spaces to fit within a modern cultural, legal, and land use planning paradigm? These are among the questions to be raised at "Sacred Places and Spaces," the second annual Spirit of Plaee symposium, held August 16-20 in San Francisco. The Institute for the Study of Natural Systems, a non-profit California corporation concerned with increasing harmony between people and nature, is soliciting paper proposals for the August Spirit of Plaee symposium. Proposals will examine the significance that sacred places and spaces around the world have with relation to cultural values in both traditional and modern societies. Papers are also sought to address what scientific data exists whieh may help explain the uniqueness of sacred places. Proposals or requests for information and registration materials should be sent to: The Institute for the Study of Natural Systems, P.O. Box 637, Mill Valley. CA. 94942. In Hawaii, Mitsue Carlson of the Pacific Health Society, is a member of the Spirit of Plaee advisory board. Carlson ean be reached at 537-2314.