Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1989 — Lung Cancer Information [ARTICLE]
Lung Cancer Information
Lung cancer is one of the most eommon forms of cancer in Hawai'i. It is the leading cancer among males and is second only to breast cancer in women. Hawaiians have the highest rate of iung cancer among any of our major ethnic groups locally . Nationally , the U.S. lung cancer rate has increased almost ninefold in the last half century. For the latest information on lung cancer, eall the University of Hawai'i Cancer Research Center's Cancer Information Service at 524-1234 weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Neighbor Island residents eall collect. The Cancer Information Service (CIS) ean answer your questions and provide you with free brochures that describe symptoms, detection and treatment of the various forms of lung cancer. In addition, the C1S offers information from the National Cancer lnstitute (NC1) on investigational treatments/clinical trials research. This information is from NCI's Physician Data Query database, whieh is updated monthly. The CIS is funded by the National Cancer lnstitute.