Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1989 — Bishop Museum Collections -- Your Link To The Past [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Bishop Museum Collections -- Your Link To The Past
This article is the second in a series focusing on public use of collections at Bishop Museum. Part2 covers the museum's audio recording collections and its libran,'. Say you've been given a class assignment on Hawaiian birds, or, as a teacher, you want to make Hawaii's history more vibrant and meaningful for your students. Maybe you want to research and document your family's genealogy, or perhaps you're practicing a chant for an upcoming hula competition. Bishop Museum is a likely source for the information you need. In many cases the resources and staff at Bishop Museum are readily accessible and helpful.
Accompanied by collections technician Valerie de-Beaumont Ross (left), halau hula member Lehua Hulihe'e listens to Roberts' chant collection of 1923-24 to learndifferentchant stylesand techniques.