Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 4, 1 April 1989 — New OHA Head Asks Groups To "Huki Alu Like" [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
New OHA Head Asks Groups To "Huki Alu Like"
"One of my jobs is to get all Hawaiian organizations working together. There is only one way for the Hawaiian to go, that is up! Let us huki alu like. . .all together." Those words spoken by OHA's new administrator, Richard K. Paglinawan seemed to set the overall tone for his administration. Paglinawan was speaking to an informal gathering of representatives of Hawaiian groups, government officials, OHA trustees and other members of the community March 13 at the Ala Moana Hotel. The response to Paglinawan's initiative from those who attended was overwhelmingly positive. "I see good things between Alu Like and OHA," said Masaru Oshiro, President, Alu Like, ine. John Rowe, Deputy Director, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands, added, "We see a closer working relationship with OHA." These remarks were typical of the lokahi expressed by a number of speakers.
In addition to Oshiro, Rowe, OHA trustees and Paglinawan's family members, the gatherjng included Dr. Miehael Chun, Kamehameha Schools; Healani Doane and Emma Kaeek, Daughters and Sons of Hawaiian Warriors; Dr. Donald Duckworth, Bishop Museum; Robert Fujii, Bank of Hawaii; Dr. William Kikuehi, Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program; Lillian Kruse, 'Ahahui Ka'ahumanu; E. Kanani Manano, E Ola Mau; David Peters, Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center; Dr. Abraham Piianaia, Native Hawaiian Culture and Arts Program; Charles Toguchi, Dept. of Education; George Kekuna, City and County of Honolulu; and Oswald Stender, Campbell Estate.
New OHA Administrator Richard K. Paglinawan was honored recently at a gathering of Hawaiian organizations. Shown from left to right are: Charles Toguchi, DOE superintendent of education; David Peters, Oueen Lili'uokalani Trust; Paglinawan; Masaru Oshiro, president and chief executive officer of the Alu Like board of directors; Dr. Miehael Chun, president, Kamehameha Schools.