Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 4, 1 ʻApelila 1989 — 'Aha Kahuna Pule Is Hawaiian Ministers' Conference April 30 [ARTICLE]
'Aha Kahuna Pule Is Hawaiian Ministers' Conference April 30
Hawaiian church ministers are invited to participate in a conference April 30 and May 1 at Kamehameha Schools to discuss pastoral eoncerns and Hawaiian community issues. The 'Aha Kahuna Pule O Hawai'i conference is sponsored by the Hawai'i Conference of the United Church of Christ, Hawaiian ministry department. For information on how to attend, eall the Hawai'i Conference at 537-5916. The Rev. Kaleo Patterson of Kapa'a First Hawaiian Church, Kaua'i, is one of the conference organizers. He said the goal is to affirm the work of ministering to Hawaiian churches. There will be speakers and a panel that will present information on community issues, including Hawaiian sovereignty, tourism and the needs of Hawaiians today. Patterson said there are 40 Hawaiian churches in the UCC denorqination , but only a handful of ordained ministers serving as pastors. Most churches have lay ministers.