Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1989 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Business
By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer
The January meeting of the OHA Board of Trustees was held January 30, 1989 at OHA's Honolulu office. All nine Trustees were present. Prior to the open portion of the meeting, the Trustees spent several hours in executive session to discuss personnel matters and to confer with legal counsel. Executive Session The following matters, discussed in executive session, were ratified unanimously by the Trustees when the meeting was convened in open session: Selection of OHA Administrator: Richard K. Paglinawan was appointed OHA Administrator. (See story on page 1 ). Change in OHA Organization Structure: TTie position of Deputy Administrator was deleted. Two new positions were created. Martin Wilson, currently Deputy Administrator for Programs, was named Assistant Administrator for Personnel and Fiscal matters. Linda Delaney, currently Land and Natural Resources Officer, was appointed Assistant Administrator for Programs. Appointment of Transition Team: A transition team was established to familiarize the new Administrator with OHA's operational and organizational structure. Legal Counsel: Attorney Sherry Broder's contract as legal counsel to the Board of Trustees was renewed. Administrator's Salary: The salary of OHA's Administrator is to be consistent with that received by other heads of State departments.
Kalena Kai Fisheries A motion was approved to support the principles and objectives of Kalena Kai Fisheries for the establishment of a comprehensive apprenticeship program for all Native Hawaiian fishermen. The motion directs that legislation be drafted requesting a legislative appropriation for the program. The motion was approved on a 5-3 vote with Trustees Burgess, Ching and DeSoto voting "Nay." Maui County Planning Commission Hearing The Board unanimously authorized the expenditure of up to $2,500 for legal and related costs. The funds are to defray expenses in eonnection with OHA's decision to file as an intervenor before the Commission on Kapalua Land Company's request for a Shoreline Management Area permit extension at Honokahua, Maui. Retirement Credits for OHA Trustees A motion to have staff prepare a bill allocating retirement credits for OHA Trustees, retroactive to 1980, was carried unanimously. Diamond Head and Waikane Lands The Board unanimously adopted a motion to oppose a proposed settlement allowing a group of Diamond Head landowners to retain a portion of a disputed strip of beachfront land. Later in the meeting, the Trustees directed that a press release be issued setting forth the Board's position on this issue and in support of the Kamaka family's efforts to retain their land at Waikane. (See story, this issue.) Statewide Satellite Information Centers The Board adopted a recommendation to enter into a four-month contract with Courtney Harrington at $2,500 per month plus travel and lodging expenses. Harrington will study the concept of consolidated, one-stop comprehensive service facilities for Hawaiians throughout the state. The contract scope of services includes evaluating existing facilities, identifying communications problems, assessing the needs of the community and identifying sites currently being used to deliver services by various Hawaiian agencies. Trustees Hao and Keale voted "Nay."
Trustee Salary A motion was approved to submit legislation to the State Legislature requesting salaries in the amount of $1,200 per month for eaeh Trustee. Currently, Trustees receive no salary, but are paid $50 for eaeh authorized official meeting. Trustee Keale was excused from the meeting prior to discussion and vote on this and subsequent matters. Legislative Package The Board voted unanimously to approve a package of OHA legislative proposals concerning: the use of non-biodegradable monofilament nets; historic preservation projects; protection of endemic and indigenous Hawaiian birds; establishing positions for state archaeologists on the neighbor islands; a program to eradicate introduced plants that endanger native species on public lands; amendment of Chapter 338, Section 25.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, regarding precontact burials; compensation for OHA trustees; and creating a mechanism for systematic input by OHA beneficiaries during the election process. Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund (NHRLF) A partial slate of nominees to the NHRLF Board of Directors was approved by a 5 to 4 vote. Voting "Nay" were Trustees Burgess, Ching, Kahaialii and Mahoe. OHA Budget Request A motion was adopted unanimously to approve OHA's 1989-1991 biennium budget request to the Legislature for operating costs totalling $17,415,810. This amounts to $8,694,690 in fiscal year 1989-1990 and $8,721,120 in fiscal year 19901991. Summarized below are the operating budget recommendations by major program areas:
FY FY Major Program Area 1989-1990 1990-1991 Policy and Administration $ 935,431 $ 815,009 Administrative Services 3,753,129 3,742,398 Public Information 441,665 420,100 Health & Human Services 231,356 294,673 Planning & Development 445,812 530,585 Cultural Affairs 171,576 172,130 Gov't & Community Affairs 416,022 393,874 Land & Natural Resources 612,113 633,313 Economic Development 1,305,645 1,320,084 Education 411,941 398,954 Totals $8,694,690 $8,721,120