Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1989 — Three OHA Grant Projects Now Underway [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Three OHA Grant Projects Now Underway
by Christine Valles, Grants Management Specialist OHA's grant program has been steadily building over the years and for the first time ean boast of having three grant-funded projects in progress at onee; a self-help housing project, a substance abuse prevention education project, and the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund demonstration project. With all three projects well under way, it's time to look at their progress.
The home-ownership course also covered topics such as credit and money management, tax responsibilities and tax benefits, and safety and security around the job site and in the home. Ground breaking for the seven houses took plaee in November 1988. Working on weekends, the families eaeh contribute at least 32 hours of labor a week. All the houses are being built together, a stage at a time. In November and December the surveying, grading, house lay-outs, excavation for electrical and plumbing lines, and footings were completed. In January sub-floors were framed and the framing of exterior walls was begun. By February, all the exterior walls had been completed and work had begun on the interior walls. This project will eonhnue through June of 1989 when all seven houses will be complete and the families are able to move in.
In November 1988, members of the seven families in the "Laulima Pono" self-help housing team held a groundbreaking ceremony.
By February 1989, teams had put up exterior walls and begun work on interior walls.