Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1989 — Niʻihau Woman Honored For Achievement [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Niʻihau Woman Honored For Achievement

The achievements of a very special Hawaiian woman, through persistence and despite great difficulties, were recognized in the morning weleome at the "La Ho'oulu 'Olelo Hawai'i," on February 18. A tribute to this woman was read to participants in the daylong Hawaiian language event, first in Hawaiian by Mrs. Jean Keale of Kaua'i, and then in English by her brother-in-law, master of ceremonies, OHA trustee Moses K. Keale. The recognition read: "Today, we would like to honor a very special person who, through years of trials and hardship has accomplished a deed very few in today's age have eome close to aecomplishing. "This person was born and raised on

Ni'ihau. "This person is a member of a family of 10 children, was married at age 17 and now raises five children. "This person is also a woman of great patience and understanding. "Although Ni'ihau did not have a high school in her day, she still found it in herself to raise her family and go to school to get her GED. She finally received it in 1984. "After getting her GED, she went on to get her early childhood education certificate in spring 1987 at Kaua'i Community College to help teach at Punana Leo. "She is employed by the Kamehameha Schools and works for the benefit of her people at Waimea Canyon School, teaching Ni'ihau children in a bilingual program. "While continuing at Kaua'i Community College to get the highest degree possible in a community college liberal arts program, she lost her husband in spring 1988. "With a household of five children, a sister, sister-in-law and a nieee to help support, she was determined to better herself in education and help her family. "In December 1988, this woman received the highest degree Kaua'i Community College has to offer, the Associate of Arts degree. "We are honored to present this degree, for the accomplishments of a worthy Ni'ihau woman, a Hawaiian, a mother, and an educator to Mrs. Angie Leimahiehie Keamoai Beniamina." Mrs. Beniamina, 34, lives in Makaweli.

Angie Beniamina (left) accepts recognition from Hokulani Cleeland and Mrs. Jean Keale.