Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1989 — KS/BE Names New PR Staff [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
KS/BE Names New PR Staff
Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate has announed two appointments to the staff of its public affairs department, who will report to public affairs director Neil Hannahs. Marsha Heu Bolson has been promoted to associate director of public affairs. Bolson has been promoted to associate director of public affairs. Bolson, a KS 1970 graduate, was previously eommunications and community re!ations manager. In her new position, Bolson will continue to directthe communications and community relations programs and staff; assume additional administrative duties; coordinate budget preparation and management; and assist in the ongoing development and administration of the Public Affairs strategic plan.
Elisa Yadao, formerly a television reporter for 10 years with KGMB-TV, was appointed to a newlycreated position of media relations manager. Yadao will serve as liaison between the media and the institution. Some of her early assignments will be to institute procedures for monitoring and recording loeal news broadcasts; creaing a library of media coverage; and developing media training programs for trustees and staff. She assumes her duties February 13.
Bishop Museum needs volunteers in several departments, including Botany, Zoology, Library, Visual Collection, Development and Shop Paei- • fica. Time commitments vary with the job. If interested, eall volunteer coordinator Sheila Cyboron, 848-4180.
Marsha BoIson
mammmm immm&m ■ -■■ mmmmm EIisa Yadao