Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 2, 1 February 1989 — A Fun Book For Kids [ARTICLE]

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A Fun Book For Kids

Whose Slippers Are Those? is a delightful book that teacbes children two to five years old about colors, sizes, and opposites by comparing and contrasting something all children in Hawai'i are familiar with: slippers. Every child will recognize the "red slippers, blue slippers/old slippers, new siippers" and the dozens of others pictured.

Author/illustrator Marilyn Kahalewai, a Kaneohe resident, originally wrote and illustrated the book for use by her own grandchildren. The hard cover and large type make the book especially suitable for young children. They , and the adults who read to them, will also enjoy the rhymes and the appealing rhythm of the text. Whose Slippers Are Those? is available at loeal book outlets. Published by Bess Press.