Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 January 1989 — Makaku [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
By Rocky Ka'iouliokahihikolo 'Ehu Jensen ©
Born theNight ofthe Gods. . .When Man Came FromAfar
• By Lueia Tarallo-Jensen A new, one-man exhibit by Rocky Jensen will kiek off the Contemporary Art Center's 1989 season. It will be open January 12 to mid-March, Monday-Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Honolulu News Building, 605 Kapi'olani Blvd. This one-man exhibit is a major eoup for Rocky Ka'iouliokahihikolo'Ehu Jensen. . ,for it took over 10 years to convince the Contemporary Arts Center that Hawaiian art had merit and that Rocky Jensen was deserving of equal time. 1 believe that he is also the first native Hawaiian to hold the prestigious honor of displaying his art in the News Building. 1 encourage all native teachers interested in the esoteric culture of Hawai'i to use the show as a point of interest by organizing field trips. Rocky's recent creation deals with the period in time called the "Wa Po". . .the time and plaee belonging to those spirits who were the foundation of the race kanaka maoli (Native Hawaiians). Ittook him over a year to conceive the idea, design and create the artifacts. I use the singular "creation," because the integrity of the exhibit must be eonsidered as one before it ean be dissected and eaeh pieee examined and absorbed individually. The major importance of the artist's creative visualization of his spiritual and historical past is without precedence... .an essential element for the understanding of a people. So mueh of Polynesian history has been diluted, adulterated and misinterpreted, that re-introducing their story from "the beginning" is necessary. . ,especially in view.of the pseudo-renaissance material that has passed for esoteric fact in the last 15 years. I say "pseudo" because many of the great native minds who really
know and understand the culture have not been heard. lnstead we have variations, versions, and mish-mash passing for what is real. . ,and the phrases, "what is true in your house" and "it's your opinion" reign supreme. This exhibit isn't any one person's opinion. . ,it is the story of kanaka maoli, with the Kumulipo and other sacred Hawaiian and Polynesian chants as points of reference. You'd be surprised at what one finds hidden in those wonderful writings when one researches through the spirit. Revealed in the exhibit will be the story of the "fixed ancestors". . .the akua kumupa'a. . .those "beings of light and divine mana" who were the spiritual parents of the ancient race of kanaka. Also revealed will be the kaona underlying the identification of natural elements and transmigrated souls and the kuleana to whieh they belong. It is awesomely interesting to ponder thoughts from the kanaka's perspective. . .a never-ending circle. . .the truism of "what goes around, comes around " applying perfectly. First there was akua, or better yet, first there was divine mana. . .who chanted the universe and all therein into creation. . .including man. Then man created the phenomena known as 'aumakua and akua. . .returningthatenergybacktoitssource. In a microcosm, this is the exhibit "Born the Night of the Gods. . ." Mai ka po mai 'oia'i'o - Truth existed in the Po before Time. Lueia Tarallo-Jensen is a researcher/historian, writer, and coordinator of exhibits for Hale Naua III. She is married to artist Rocky Jensen.
"Kihawahine," by Rocky K. Jensen. Drawing by Frank Jensen.