Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 January 1989 — UH Seeks Hawaiian Enrollment [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
UH Seeks Hawaiian Enrollment
Pubhc Health— A Career For You?
The School of Public Health was established at the University of Hawai'i in 1%2, and has been deeply involved in loeal communities and health issues since that time. The particular and significant health problems facing Hawaiian eommunities will be best addressed by leadership from within these communities, and the School is eommitted to assisting Hawaiians and part-Hawaiians to develop the necessary professional skills to assume such critical roles. Ho'olako '87, the Year of the Hawaiian, offered an opportunity to highlight the availability of the School's resources to the Hawaiian community. Because of its unique geographical position, the University of Hawaii's School of Public Health has developed special interests and expertise in the cross-cultural and transnational aspects of Public Health. These emphases are especially appropriate for community-based programs. Over 50 percent of the School's student body is non-Caucasian, coming from many different cultures and nations. This cultural diversity helps students leam and apply special skills for working with others. The School makes a special effort to attract Hawaiians into its programs. To help ensure academic success for those individuals recruited, the School offers staff support in several potential areas of need — tutoring, seeking financial aid, and initiating community activities related to the graduate degree program. A personal academic advisor assists students to successfully accomp!ish their academic objectives. The Master's Degree Programs The School offers courses of studies leading to either the M.P.H. (Master of Public Health) or the M.S. (Master of Science) Degree. Master's degree programs generally require 16 months of full-time study for completion. Course work is especially designed with the student's academic and career needs and goals in mind. Emphases in the master's degree programs include Health Services Administration and Planning, Maternal and Child Heahh, Health Education, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Public Health Nutrition, and International Health. The Doctoral Degree Programs Two doctoral degree programs are available to individuals who have already earned master's degrees in public health or closely related fields. Studies may lead to the Ph.D. Degree in Biomedieal Sciences with concentrations in Biostatistics or Epidemiology, or to the Dr.P.H. (Doctor of Public Health) Degree.
Are You Eligible For Graduate Study? lf you have successfully completed a bachelor's degree at an accredited college or university, you are eligible for graduate study. The graduate division requires certain standards to be met before admission is granted for graduate study. These standards may be fulfilled by your undergraduate record, post-baccalaureate academic work, or a combination of several different factors. Your application for admission will be greatly strengthened if you have had work experience in health or a health-related field. Heahh Careers Opportunity Program lf you are not fully prepared to meet the graduate division's academic requirements, the School of Public Health offers a program to assist you: The Heahh Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP). HCOP is a two-semester program designed to strengthen your academic skills in preparation for admission to the Master's Program. Work Experience The School feels that a student's previous work and experience are all vital parts of any educational endeavor, and they are taken into consideration when designing eaeh student's academic and field training experiences. Field training sites may include Hawai'i, the mainland, or international sites. Financial Support All students are assisted in finding sufficient funds from grants, scholarships, and loans to ensure that they ean complete their graduate studies. For detailed information and an application form, write: Assistant Dean for Student Services, School of Public Health, 1960 East-West Rd., Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, or eall (808) 948-8435. Reprinted from a SchooI ofPublic Healih brochure.