Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1989 — Heard Museum Keeps Native Artists Files [ARTICLE]
Heard Museum Keeps Native Artists Files
Native Hawaiian artists may be interested in being part of the Native American Artists Resource Collection of the Heard Museum in Phoenix, Arizona. According to a recent article in Hawaii Artreach, a publication of the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, this active and growing collection includes files on over 4,000 traditional to contemporary artists working in all and any media. The information is available for use by researchers and scholars, art collectors, students, museum professionals and other artists. The Native American Artists Resource Collection is part of the Heard Museum libarary. The purpose of the collection is to document an individual artist's achievements. Materials collected include business cards, labeled slides, journal articles, resumes, exhibition catalogs, newspaper clippings, documented interviews and gallery announcements. Eaeh file includes a fact sheet listing the artist's exhibitions or performances and an index of additional publication resources. Hawaiian artists and Native American artists living in Hawai'i are invited to include the Heard Museum on their mailing list. Artists are asked to send resumes and copies of any printed material they have about themselves and their work to: Native Amenean Artists Resource Collection, The Heard Museum, 22 East Monte Vista Road, Phoenix, AZ 85004. For additional information ,contact Mario Klimiades, Librarian/Archivist, Margaret Archuleta, Associate Curator of the Fine Arts Collection, or Gloria Lomahaftewa, Administrative Assistant to the Director of Research/Chief Curator at (602) 252-8840.