Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 12, 1 December 1988 — OHA Cleared of Funds Misuse Charge [ARTICLE]

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OHA Cleared of Funds Misuse Charge

By Ed Miehelman, Public Information Officer OHA Chairman Louis Hao, in a November 3 press conference, said that a formal opinion by the state Attorney General has laid to rest "any allegations about mismanagement of money by this (OHA) Board." Former Chairman Moses K. Keale, Sr. had questioned the use of public land trust funds to promote a referendum on the question of establishing a single beneficiary class for OHA . Hao said, "We are very pleased that the Attorney General has found that no violations of trust responsibility have occurred. In fact, the Attorney Generai feels 'that any legal action against the trustees of OHA for misapplication of funds is not warranted.' "We always shared this judgment of our actions. However, to have a public document written by the state Attorney General whieh confirms our confidence of having acted properly and in the best interests of the native Hawaiian people is both reassuring and weleome. "Too often, people read about such charges against OHA and assume that we are getting some personal gain from our office as Trustees. As stated by the Attorney General: 'The ad hoe committee appears to have expended the funds in seeking a proposed resolution of OHA's ceded land revenue entitlement in meetings with the governor's representatives, whieh is an appropriate pursuit by the Trustees in meeting their responsibi-

lities and is in the best interests of OHA's native Hawaiian beneficiaries. . .' "All that we do, we do for the best interest of the Hawaiian people. There is no personal gain. "As we said at the beginning of this investigation, our house is elean. And the Attorney General,

after careful and extensive investigation, has agreed. "Now, we need to proceed. Our house is in order. Our responsibilities are clear. And our eommitment to the empowerment and betterment of the native Hawaiian people is strengthened."