Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1988 — OHA Offers ANA Grantwriting Workshop [ARTICLE]
OHA Offers ANA Grantwriting Workshop
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs will be offering a one-day workshop November 12 on how to write a grant proposal. The workshop will focus on the ins-and-outs of writing proposals to the Administration for Native Americans (ANA), the major source of federal funds available to non-profit Hawaiian organizations. Designed especially for the person who has never written a grant proposal before, the workshop will cover how to: • develop an idea into a project, • demonstrate a need for your project, • develop your work plans and activities, • put your ideas in writing, • complete the federal forms, and
• create a budget This workshop is being co-sponsored by Leeward Community College and the Administration for Native Americans. The instructors will be Ron Cettie, a consultant to ANA , Elizabeth Martin, an attorney, and Christine Valles, OHA grants specialist. The workshop will be held at: Leeward Community College, Room PS 201A, on Saturday, November 12, 1988, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. There is a $10 fee for the workshop whieh includes the cost of luneh and all materials. To register, send your name, address, and phone number with a eheek made payable to the Office of Hawaiian Atfairs, 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1500,
Honolulu, H1 %814. The Administration for Native Americans provides funds for social and eeonomie development projects. The financial assistance provided by ANA is designed to strengthen the self-suffi-ciency of Native American organizations. ANA believes that responsibility for achieving self-suf-ficiency rests with the leadership of native groups and is based on the community's ability to plan, organize, and direct resources in acomprehensive manner to achieve long-range community goals. The next deadline for grant proposals is February 10, 1989. For further information eall Christine Valles at OHA, 946-2642.
Funds for non-profit groups