Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 11, 1 November 1988 — Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Bank of Hawaii is 1 Iproud to sponsor the ' ^ \ Heritage Series, an exploration of the rich ^ cultural heritage of ^ Hawaii and its people. i You won't want to ^ \ \ miss these upcoming programs including such topics as the Kumulipo / M ' (ancient Hawaiian creation \ /X' ,w»'f '■ { chant), the venerable Gabby ^ / ',jl Pahinui, Hawaii's popular \\a\C» • ^ dfif[HĀ slack key guitansts and i Ā^Mi ' Hawaiian flora and fauna. \ V\V\tV\ l|K. * You ean hear the Heritage ) ' v » i \ Series at 12:30 p.m. on the \ M last Sunday of every month. ' / Iust tune in KCCN Radio, y wWHw f/i 1420 on your AM dial. If ' lilmw / ' you miss Sunday's program,/^^^^^ V k \N listen the following v week on Wednesday^^^H^^^^^^kv 7:30 We hope you 1 these \ subsKjiafy of i h Boncorp Hawaii " ' H