Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 11, 1 Nowemapa 1988 — Oʻahu Council Elects Officers [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Oʻahu Council Elects Officers

Imua! Okakopa 8, 1988 brought the Pre-Con-vention Caucus and a genera! meeting of the O'ahu Council of the Association at the Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani Auditorium at Kamehameha. Elections were the main agenda of the day. . .Congratulations to the Council officers who will serve for the next two years: Dexter Soares (KalihiPalama H.C.C.), President, Kauila Clark (Nanaikapono H.C.C.), First Vice President, Kenny Haina (Princess Ka'iulani H.C.C.), Second Vice President, Candice Hurley (Princess Ka'iulani H.C.C.), Recording Secretary, Ethelreda Kahalewai (Pu'uloa H.C.C.), Treasurer, and Lila Medeiros (Pearl Harbor H.C.C.), Immediate Past President. Elected as Council Directors were Auntie Aggie Cope (Wai'anae H.C.C.), Harriet Paishon (Nanaikapono H.C.C.), Gladys Rodenhurst (Princess Ka'iulani H.C.C.), and Dennis Sai (Prince Kuhio H.C.C.). Representing the O'ahu Council on the Association's board of directors will be President Soares and newly elected Association Directors Peter Ching (Pearl Harbor H.C.C.), Linda Delaney (Prince Kuhio H.C.C.) and Betty Jenkins (Ali'i Pauahi H.C.C.). Similar elections are taking piaee in the Hawai'i, Maui County and Kauai Councils as we go to press. . .And, the Association officers for the next biennium will be elected in Keauhou, Kona, Hawai'i, on November 19, 1988, at convention. Rumor has it that the mainland clubs: 'Ahahui

Kalakaua H.C.C., Ellison Garlasa, President, Ahahui Lili'uokalani H.C.C., Euniee Gomes, President, and 'Ainahau 'O Kaleponi H.C.C., Victor Pang, President, from California and Hui 'O Hawai'i 'O Utah H.C.C., Maurice Ohumukini, President, may be joined soon by a new club in Ameiika Komohana. . ,more on that later. Here's the convention schedule: Wednesday, November 16 9 a.m. Con-Con convenes (King Kamehameha Ballroom), Jalna Keala (Ali'i Pauahi H.C.C.), presiding. Thursday, November 17 9 a.m. Con-Con re-convenes (King Kamehameha Ballroom) 9 a.m. Historic sites tour, Lloyd Soehren (Kona H.C.C.) 9 a.m. Recreational activities (sites to be announced): golf, Aloha Tanimoto (Waimea H.C.C.): bowling, Sweetie Maikui (Laupahoehoe H.C.C.): Cribbage, Walter Victor, Jr. (Laupahoehoe H.C.C.): konane, Rose Fujimori (Kona H.C.C.): kamau, Elaine Flores (Waimea H.C.C.): hu, pala'ie, ulu maika, moa pahe'e, Elaine Mullaney (Queen Emma H.C.C.). 3:30 p.m. Rules committee meeting, George Mills (Ko olauloa H.C.C.) 5 p.m. Association board meeting, (King Kamehameha Ballroom) Friday, November 18 8 a.m. Presentation Betty Jenkins, (Ali'i Pauahi

H.C.C.) 8:30 a.m. Convention general session convenes 9 a.m. Weleome address, Mayor Dante Carpenter (Ka'u H.C.C.) 9:35 a.m. Keynote address, U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye 1:30 p.m. Association committee meetings convene 4 p.m. Ballot boxes open 8 p.m. 'Aha Mele (King Kamehameha Ballroom), Nola Nahulu (Pearl Harbor H.C.C.) Saturday November 19 7:30 a.m. Ballot boxes open 8:30 a.m. Convention general session re-convenes with awards, committee reports, election and installation of officers 5:30 p.m. 'Aha 'Aina, Kanea Beckley (Kona H.C.C.) Sunday, November 20 8 a.m. Chapel Services, Rev. Leon Sterling (Kona H.C.C.)

Mo4olelo Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs By H.K. Bruss Keppeler