Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1988 — The Truth Will Prevail! [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Truth Will Prevail!

By Moanikeala Akaka Trustee, Hawaii

Moses Keale was ousted as Chair of OHA on August 30 because he did not follow OHA's by-laws as all Trustees are mandated to do. He was censured by the Board because he and Senior Staff Kamaki Kanahele and Martin Wilson colluded to illegally go to the

State Attorney General's office without discussion with fellow trustees, asking opinions using inaecurate premises, receiving answers under misleading circumstances and keeping detrimental opinions hidden from the trustees for a month, until last week. To this day (Sept. 15) we eight trustees have not been able to obtain a copy of the letter sent from Keale to the Attorney General July 11, falsely accusing trustees of misusing OHA resources. A request of this kind is public information that should be made available, especially to fellow trustees.

Although Keale and Administrator Kamaki Kanahele threaten to sue four trustees, it was eight trustees in June on Maui that voted that OHA resources be utilized for a plebiscite whieh is an act of self-determination so that our Hawaiian beneficiaries ean determine "who we are," a decision made by others since the overthrow in 1893. Let us not forget, the 50 percent blood quantum stems from Washington, D.C. in the 1920's as part of the Hawaiian Homes Act. Phnee Jonah Kuhio in Congress at that time encouraged the lowering of blood quantum to 1/32 Hawaiian.

It should be understood that a plebiscite or referendum will not break blood quantum! The mana'o coming from our Hawaiian constituents at that time will only give an indication of how they feel. It would be the Beginning of a process; we must still go to the Legislature and elsewhere in order to make any change for a single definition. But only if that is what na po'e (the people) desire! Lunches at the Willows were pressured upon us by staff; several Trustees (myself included) from the Ceded Lands Committee expressed discomfort about the ehoiee; but staff's will prevailed.

Luncheons with Hawaiians service organizations and community groups were held to discuss OHA's Master Plan and offer OHA's assistance to work with these groups (since we all serve Hawaiians) toward a Comprehensive Master Plan to possibly become part of a Ceded Land package to be taken to the next Legislature. The single definition was only one aspect of the Willows luncheons.

It is most important to remember that it has been OHA's intention since the press conference a few months ago when the ex-chair Keale announced there would be an election plebiscite, that if our constituents decide to opt for a single definition it will be understood that there will continue to be a preference for the Native Hawaiians of 50 percent quantum or more. For it is understood that these Native Hawaiians do suffer the most eeonomie, social and health needs and assisting them must remain a priority. It must also be realized that there will be mueh, mueh more resources then those now or ever before available to our people. At the present 2/3 of OHA's operating budget goes for staff and offices. Trustees receive no salaries; this is absurd for elected officials that put in many long hours to serve our people, while well-paid staff bureaucrats try to control and take over trustee's responsibility, undermining young OHA democracy.

Most important we need those entitlements for our constituents who deserve trustees and staff that are honest, open, and above-board with eaeh other, our beneficiaries, the public, and the press. Past chair Keale when first hearing Ad Hoe Ceded Lands Committee Plans for plebiscite stated, "In eight years I've been trustee; this is the best thing I ever heard of OHA attempting to do!" Ex-chair Keale has not been present at one Ad Hoe Ceded Lands meeting, although he has been asked numerous times by Trustee members to attend, as we have felt it most important that he comprehend ar1d fully understand committee proceedings. This Ceded Lands Committee regularly kept the full board apprised of its findings and like all committees ean only legally make recommendations for the full Board to act upon. Keale intimated before the vote was taken for his ouster that he may be inclined to retract his recent letter of intent to the Attorney General to sue four trustees, myself, Rod Burgess, Frenchy

DeSoto, and Clarence Ching. However, a majority of the trustees felt Keale had already been warned (at a special meeting called July 12) that he must not circumvent his fellow trustees. Keale owed us trustees the respect and consideration of being honest about his questions and intentions. Instead he colluded with staff to hide the Attorney General's opinion, thereby breaking by-laws, and destroying our trust in his leadership. Furthermore he told the OHA attorney not to attend meetings of the Board since early July; he let expire the OHA attorney's contract — meanwhile the other eight Trustees anxiously awaited legal counsel.

The majority of the Board of elected trustees could not stand such flagrant arrogance, insoIence and total disregard of process, and have called for a full investigation by a trustees' committee. The trustees also weleome an investigation from the Attorney General's office. We want to know why the Attorney General's opinion never reached our hands for we were eight client Trustees left in the dark with no information or indication of pilikia. As I see it here's a way out of this sorry situation saving time, legal fees, and most important, eonfidence in OHA and the democratic process. The Attorney General has agreed to examine the situation and meet with all parties — this must be done immediately! I have full confidence the truth will prevail. Ua mau ke ea o ka aina i ka pono.