Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1988 — Hawaiian stamps star in colorful new book [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian stamps star in colorful new book
Hawaiian Stamps, An I\lustrated History, by Emmett Cahill is a compact and attractive 40-page book that graphically portrays Hawaii's rich history through the miniature world of stamps. Beginning with the first "Missionary" stamps of 1851, it recounts the history of eaeh stamp and its plaee in Hawaiian history. In addition to the many stamps of the monarchy, whieh are largely known as the "Royal Pictorials," the book also features stamps issued by the Republic of Hawaii.
After Hawaii became a terntory of 1900, and later a state in 1959, United States postage stamps of several denominations carried Hawaiian themes and eaeh of these is depicted and described. Some foreign nations also featured Hawaii on their stamps and 11 of these are illustrated and explained.
The book points out that Hawaii has the distinction of being the only state in our union that onee issued its own national stamps before becoming one of the 50 states. Whether you collect stamps or just enjoy them, this book is entertaining and informative. Price is $5.95. It may be ordered by mail from Orchid Isle Publishers, Box 807, Volcano, HI %785.