Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1988 — Moʻolelo [ARTICLE]
Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs By H.K. Bruss Keppeler
Kepakemapa brought hard work for all Hawaiian Civic Club members as they prepared and submitted resolutions for introduction at the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Annual Convention. The deadline was September 19, 1988! One club, the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu, sub mitted no less than 16 resolutions for consideration, covering subjects as diverse as commending the family and trustees of the Samuel Mills Damon Estate for starting the restoration of the Kamehameha V Cottage in Moanalua Gardens on O'ahu, to supporting a nuclear-free Pacific and world. . . Other subjects: two resolutions on water resources and a resolution requesting a study on why there is a poi shortaqe.
At the same time, the member clubs labored to submit proposed amendments to the Association's Constitution and By-Laws. A complete review of these guiding documents has not oecurred for many years and the 1987 annual eonvention mandated a "Con-Con" be held this year. . .The "Con-Con" is scheduled for November 16-17, 1988 at Keauhou, Kona, Hawai'i, just prior to the regular Annual Association Conventiop (November 18-19) at the same plaee. As though the "Con-Con" and the regular business of the Annual Convention are not enough, 1988 will be an election year! Every two years, the officers and directors of the Association are elected.
September also was highlighted by the eelebration of the 150th birthday of our beloved Queen Lili'uokalani. There were activities planned all during the week leading up to the birthday of the Queen, September 2, including a commemorative service at Kawaiahao Church on Sunday, the decoration of the Queen's statue on Capitol mall eaeh day, an art exhibit at the Queen Lili'uokalani Children's Center main office (Mu'olaulani) all week, a reception at Washington Plaee and one at Mu'olaulani and a poetry reading.
A concert, I ke Ahiahi Po'akolu was held on Wednesday evening at St. Andrews Cathedral with Aaron Mahi, Nalani 01ds, Bill Ka'iwa, Haunani Apoliona (H.C.C. of Honolulu), Haunani Bernardino (H.C.C. of Honolulu), Dorothy Gillett (Princess Ka'iulani H.C.C.) on the program. Performing too were the Kawaiahao Church Choir and the Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club Chorale under the direction of Anuhea Brown with Enoka Spencer's rumbling bass featured in "Ka Wiliwili Wai". . .The music performed was all composed by the Queen and the wonderful vignettes told about eaeh pieee deiighted and enlightened all.
On September 2, 1988, the Queen was honored at a commemorative service held at Mauna 'Ala and another concert, sponsored by the Friends of 'Iolani Palaee, was given at the Palaee. This concert featured the Royal Hawaiian Band, chanters Tony Lenehanko and Kimo Alama and many of the performers from the earlier concert. As life ean be. . .we must share the joyous oecasions with those of sorrow. On September 10, 1988, our beloved Caesar Paishon III (Nanaikapono H.C.C.) passed from our midst. Someone remarked at Caesar's funeral that he, and our dear departed Auntie Sis Widemann
(H.C.C. of Honolulu), Benson Lee (Pearl Harbor H.C.C.) and so many others we still miss from our members must be setting up that Hawaiian Civic Club in the sky. . .Knowing.who's up there, we know they've got one active club! Mark your calendars. The Princess Ka'iulani Hawaiian Civic Club has announced that the annual commemoration of the birth of our beloved princess will be held on Sunday, October 16, 1988. Services at Kawaiahao Church at 10:30 a.m. and a commemoration at Mauna 'Ala at 2 p.m. with Association President Jalna Keala (Ali'i Pauahi H.C.C.) as featured speaker.