Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 October 1988 — Queen Emma Honored By Koke'e Event [ARTICLE]

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Queen Emma Honored By Koke'e Event

Queen Emma's adventurous ascent of Mt. Wai'ale'ale with an entourage of over 100 in 1871 will be commemorated in a special pre-Aloha Week event at Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow in Koke'e on Sunday, October 9, 1988. The Koke'e Museum, in cooperation with the Kaua'i Aloha Week Committee and Ka Imi Naauao O Hawaii Nei, is sponsoring the festive event, whieh will feature an appearance by the Kaua'i Aloha Week Royal Court, as well as hula reflecting on Queen Emma and the Koke'e-Waimea ahuoua'a.

Various Kaua'i halau as well as visiting halau have been invited to present traditional or newly created mele or oli about Queen Emma. Hawaiian societies, including the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club in Honolulu, have been invited to attend. Roselle Keliihonipua Bailey, who is a member of the Museum's board of trustees as well as a respected kumu hula, is assisting in the creation of the event, whieh has been christened "Eo E Emalani Alaka'i."

For information, contact either Mrs. Bailey (3353628) or museum executive director Marsha Erickson (335-9975). Erickson says "It is the museum's hope that this event will afford us all the opportunity to reflect upon and honor one of Hawaii's great 'ali'i. . .who cherished Kaua'i deeply in her heart."