Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 October 1988 — Spooky Stories Haunt A Mission Halloween [ARTICLE]
Spooky Stories Haunt A Mission Halloween
Return to the Honolulu of 1831 this month through the living history and storytelling programs of the Mission Houses Museum. In addition to their regular weekday tours, and "living history" Saturday morning programs, these special events are scheduled:
On Saturday , October 22, join a re-enactment of the Mothers' Maternal Association meeting at the Sandwich Islands Mission as concerned mothers in the village of Honolulu demonstrate their love for the destitute by sewing them clothing and bedding. Sewing circle commences promptly at 1 p.m. October 29 brings out tales of "True Hauntings of New England," with ghost stories of the witches of Salem, the rapping ghost Fox Sisters, to cur-rent-day haunted houses. A Halloween special feature will be photographs taken of "ghosts." For hours and ticket information, eall 531-0481.