Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1988 — Calendar of Events — Okakopa [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Calendar of Events — Okakopa

7 Historic Preservation workshop, Wailuku. "A Future for Our Past?" sponsored by Historic Hawaii, features speakers on practical aspects of historic preservation. To register, eall 244-3326 in Wailuku or 537-9564 in Honolulu. Fee $20 per person includes luneh and refreshments.

8,9 Waianae Food Fair. Onolicious food that's good for you is the star of this free fun fair sponsored by the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Medical Center. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pokai Bay Beach Park. 8,9 18th Kanikapila, Andrews Amphitheater, University of Hawaii/Manoa campus. Advance tickets $7 and $5 available at UH Campus Center ticket office and other outlets (see story this issue), at the gate $9 and $7. Featuring: the Makaha Sons of Niihau, the Peter Moon Band, and other top loeal entertainment. Call 948-7235 for more information.

9 "Eo E Emalani I Alaka'i", event commemora ting Queen Emma's adventurous ascent of Mt. Waialeale in 1871. Appearance by the Kauai Aloha Week Royal Court, and hula performances in honor of Queen Emma, at the Kanaloahuluhulu meadow in Koke'e. For information eall the Koke'e Natural History Museum 335-9975 or 335-3628. 13,14 Hawaiian leadership conference. "Kanaka Makua" is the theme of this weekend event at University of Hawaii at Hilo. For more information, see related story, this issue. Call 9333413 or 933-3421 to register.

13-16 "Read Hawaii." New books on and about Hawai'i are featured at the Hawai'i Book publisher's Association public show, at Ala Moana Shopping Center. Free balloons, giveaway drawing for a Hawaiiana library, meet the authors from noon to 2 p.m. dai!y. 16 Annual Commemoration of the birth of Princess Ka'iulani. Services at Kawaiaha'o Church in the morning at 10:30 a.m. apd at Mauna 'Ala at 2 p.m.