Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 October 1988 — Castle Offers Free Training For Drug Abuse Preventors [ARTICLE]
Castle Offers Free Training For Drug Abuse Preventors
Castle Medical Center is now providing a free training program for health care providers who eome into frequent contact with youth and families at risk for substance abuse. Castle Medical Center provides quality treatment for ehemieal dependency and prevention services for youth through its Castle Aleohol and Addictions program. (CAAP). According to Maria Santiago, Castle's CAAP training project coordinator, CAAP's experience in the substance abuse field at its urban and rural
offices on O'ahu, Maui, and the Big Island al!ows staff to share some unique perspectives on the issues facing Hawaii's substance abuse prevention professionals.
The CAAP training project is targeted for a variety of social service providers, mental health workers, allied health workers, and educators who often work with high risk youth and families. The training is informational, culturally sensitive, and geared towards skill development. There is a 20 hour program whieh includes a four hour follow-up session, and a four-hour basic program.
Participants will leam how to: identify both past unsuccessful and successful approaches to substance abuse prevention; focus on the Family Systems model, including the roles of co-depend-ency, denial and enabling; clarify the role non-sub-stance abuse professionals should assume when working with high risk youth and families; identify high risk indicators for both youth and families; how to assess, intervene, and make appropriate referrals for those at risk; and how to provide information on loeal referral sources both statewide and in specific communities.
All training activities are provided free of charge to agencies throughout the state. When feasible, training sessions will be held at the worksite. For additional information contact Mana Santiago at (808)521-0041, or write her at Castle Medical Center, Training Project, 222 S. Vineyard St., Suite 403, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813.