Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 10, 1 ʻOkakopa 1988 — New OHA Chair Aims to Keep After Major Hawaiian Goals [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

New OHA Chair Aims to Keep After Major Hawaiian Goals

OHA's new Chairperson Louis Hao says OHA has the opportunity today to achieve its main goal of assisting Hawaiians to achieve their full potential in today's Hawaii. His function, Hao says, is to bring the Board together so that OHA ean function effectively as an united force and move smoothly toward its major goals without being sidetracked by minor differences.

Hao, a Moloka'i resident, is the County Services Administrator for that island. He was elected OHA Trustee in 1984 and became Vice-Chairperson of the Board in 1986. Hao assumed the position of Chairperson of the OHA Board of Trustees on August 30, 1988, after the resignation of Moses K. Keale, Sr. He was born in Kona, Hawaii on January 2, 1935, is married and the father of four children. He graduated from Hilo High School, received a BA degree in Sociology at the University of Hawaii, Manoa in 1958; an MA degree in Sociology and a MA in Counseling from Ball State University, both in 1970.

Hao has been in government service for over 25 years. He has been active in a variety of government, private and community groups and organizations. Past positions include: Vice Chairperson, Maui Eeonomie Opportunity, Ine.; Director, Lokahi Pacific, ine.; Chairperson, Molokai Institute of Agriculture; Director, Aloha Energy Systems, ine.; President, Molokai Chamber of Commerce; Director, Hawaii Visitors Bureau; Chairperson, Molokai General Hospital; Maui County Planning Commissioner and a member of the Maui

Community College Advisory Council. Currently Hao serves as Chairperson of the Molokai Task Force and is a director for the Molokai chapters of the American Cancer Society and the American Red Cross. Hao will remain Chairperson of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs at least through the November 8th OHA election. The law requires that, "The board, at its first meeting after an election, shall elect from its own membership a chairperson and a vicechairperson who shall serve a term of two years."

OHA Chair Louis Hao.