Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 9, 1 Kepakemapa 1988 — Volunteers in Action [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Volunteers in Action

By Solomon Loo, Director Volunteer/ Student Intern Program

Voter Registration OHA is still looking for volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars for this election year. The Lt. Govemor's office is willing to train groups of 25 or more at convenient times. lf you or your group want to become Voter Registrars, eall Solomon Loo at 548-8%0 or 261-3285. If you know of any family reunion, community luau, or other event coming up, and you want a Voter Registrar to be there, eall Loo. OHA has a pool of over 50 Voter Registrars to meet your requests.

Volunteer Recognition Luneheon Almost 100 OHA volunteers, trustees and staff were present at the Volunteer Recognition Luneheon held at Queen Kapi'olani Hotel in July with Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III as Master of Ceremonies. OHA Trustee Chairperson Moses K. Keale Sr., presented certificates of appreciation to eaeh volunteer and other trustees personally congratulated them for the time and energy they contributed to OHA during 1987-1988.

Keale named David K. Makuakane as OHA's Volunteer of the Year. Makuakane delivered copies of Ka Wai Ola O OHA to community locations on O'ahu. Unfortunately, Makuakane is recovering from major heart surgery and could not attend the luneheon. A plaque was presented to him at his home. New VoIunteers New volunteers are Lester Chow (Nuuanu) and Bunny Kishaba (Manoa). We appreciate their interest in wanting to contribute to OHA's efforts. For information about volunteer opportunities with OHA, eall Solomon Loo at the phone numbers listed above.