Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 9, 1 September 1988 — OHA Begins Entrepreneurship Training Programs Statewide [ARTICLE]

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OHA Begins Entrepreneurship Training Programs Statewide

The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA), in cooperation with Overton and Associates (O&A) is offering a statewide series of nine 10-week Entrepreneurship Training Programs for persons of Hawaiian ancestry. The first sessions began Aug. 5 and will continue through November 10th. OHA administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele, III said the purpose of these programs is to enable increasing numbers of Hawaiians to properly start and succeed in their own businesses.

The revised program schedule is: Moloka'i - Aug. 29 to Oct. 24; Maui - Aug. 8 to Oct. 15; Oahu - Aug. 15 to Oct. 22; Kauai - Aug. 22 to Oct. 29; and Hawaii - Aug. 29 to Nov. 5. All dates reflect the week during whieh the program is scheduled. In some instances late registration will be accepted. Martin Wilson, Deputy Administrator for OHA, will oversee the training whieh will be customdesigned for eaeh participant. Classroom training will cover: developing an overall business plan and business description; marketing; management and organization; and financial planning. In addition, individual counseling and assistance

and in-service training with selected businesses will be included. Guest speakers, films, case studies and other resources will also be used to reinforce the program's content andeffectiveness. All of the training, according to John Overton, senior consultant for O&A, will be conducted by highly qualified and successful loeal business persons who have been involved in the start-up, operations and sometimes even the failure of a business.

Graduates will receive a certificate and ongoing counseling to ensure maximum success. For further information and to apply, eall your loeal Office of Hawaiian Affairs office. Applicants will be expected to provide proof of Hawaiian ancestry such as a birth certificate and a eompleted kumu ohana form for validation purposes; to be followed by a personal interview before final selections are made. Selected participants will only pay $40 for their materials with all other costs borne by OHA. Space is limited to 30 persons per program, so early registration is advised.