Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 August 1988 — Gladys Brandt Accepts Prince Kuhio VP Post [ARTICLE]

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Gladys Brandt Accepts Prince Kuhio VP Post

Gladys 'Ainoa Brandt, 1988 O'o Award winner and currently chairperson of the University of Hawai'i Board of Regents, has accepted to serve as first vice president of the Prince Kuhio Hawaiian Civic Club. She fills a vacancy created when James Cockett moved to Maui to manage the Maui Sheraton Hotel. Mrs. Brandt is a former president of the club. In other club news, the Second Annual Prince Kuhio Scholarship Golf Tournament takes plaee Thursday, Aug. 11 and the Founder's Day banquet was held Friday, July 22, at Fort Ruger's Cannon Club. The club's annual scholarship dinner is slated for Aug. 12 and Queen Lili'uokalani will be honored at Kawaiahao Church on Ali'i Sunday Aug. 21.