Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 August 1988 — Sai Named Coordinator of New KS/BE Office [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Sai Named Coordinator of New KS/BE Office

Entertainer Marlene Sai, who since 1986 worked with Kaleinani Brown as co-coordinators of the Kamehameha Schools centennial celebration committee, assumed a newly established position July 1 as coordinator for the alumni relations office. She has been joined by longtime Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate employee and unofficial alumni expert Harriet Oana who is her assistant. Sai, a 1959 graduate of Kamehameha, is active on the schools' alumni association board of directors and is involved in numerous community organizations.

Oana is a 34-year employee of KS/BE and graduated from Kamehameha in 1946. She has served as the touchstone for graduates who want to stay in contact with their alma mater. She most recently worked as secretary to Neil J. Hannahs, director of the schools' Public Affairs Department. She was responsible for the Alumni News eolumn of Kamehameha's quarterly newsletter for parents, staff and graduates. More than 13,000 students have graduated from Kamehameha during its first century. The new Alumni Relations Office will help monitor the achievements of KS graduates, create opportunities for more interaction between alumni and current students, support efforts of the Alumni Association.

Marlene Sai and Harriet Oana