Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1988 — Volunteers in Action [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Volunteers in Action

By Solomon Loo, Director Volunteer/Student Intern Program If you or members of your group want to become Voter Registrars, special training sessions will be conducted by the Lieutenant Governor's office. Please eall 548-8960 or 261-3285 if you are interested. New Voter Registrars trained in July include Angie Heffner (Kalihi), Maile Loo (Kailua), Marge Perkins (Aiea) and Carol Suganuma (Kahala). Office of Hawaiian Affairs staff members Winona Spillner and Apolei Bargamento registered voters at the Prince Lot Hula Festival on July 16. In other volunteer news, Patsy Kai, a graduate student from the School of Social Work, UH Manoa, is busy editing and rewriting a draft of the Genealogy Handbook for the Human Resources Division. Jobie Masagatani, presently a graduate student at Princeton University, having graduated from Kamehameha and Northwestern University, is doing research for the Planning and Research Division of OHA this summer. David Makuakane of Kailua, who has been delivering the OHA newspaper since November 1987, underwent a four by-pass open-heart procedure in late June. We wish him a successful recovery over the next few months. His route is now being covered by Bill Awana (Kailua), a Pearl Harbor Shipyard retiree who likes to golf in his spare time.