Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 August 1988 — Public Lands Trust and the OHA Entitlement [ARTICLE]

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Public Lands Trust and the OHA Entitlement

r»d Revenues and lnitiatives for Hawaiians

Hawaiians now are on the waiting list. There is clearly more than enough land to take care of all. What will happen when all awards to currently qualified native Hawaiians have been made anel 100,000 acres are still available? We must be prepared for that day. "We must not perpetuate that divisive meehanism through the OHA Trust. Trust benefits, including those of Hawaiian Homes trust, are not as limited as believed. There are ample lands to be redistributed to people to restablish our families in homelands. There could even be more, depending on the outcome of the negotiations. We must be creative." Legislative Approach Whatever may be the settlement agreed on in negotiations, it will still have to be approved by the Legislature. However, Ching notes, "Hawaiiansas a whole will need to eome together to get the settlement through the Legis!ature. . .Our unity will make a big difference in the outcome," he stressed. With this goal in mind, the OHA Board of Trustees and staff have begun to prepare answers to the inevitable questions of: who will it be for, for what and how mueh? The Trustees, in asking themselves these questions, found they had to take a far-sighted view. In June the Board of Trustees announced their intent to put the question of a single beneficiary class definition to the Hawaiian people via the OHA election in November. The question was to be phrased: "Should every Native Hawaiian have the right to enjoy the benefits of the assets of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs as provided by policies adopted by the OHA Board of Trustees?" However the question may eventually be posed, 9vitsn 000,U*yist6rnixo"iqq6 bns ,b>tudntaib sd ot

OHA's goal in reaching Hawaiian voters is to galvanize the population into action and seek their mandate to pursue the changes envisioned. A single definition of Native Hawaiian remains a key step toward the goal of unity. As Ching notes, "One definition, one plan, one pool of resources will maximize results for all Hawaiians. As the ceded lands negotiations proceed, OHA isremembering its task of showing the Legislature how the revenues will be used to benefit the entire Hawaiian community. A series of meetings with Hawaiian organizations was begun in June to explain OHA'S "single beneficiary class" initiative and to solicit their kokua to make this issue understood by the eommunity. A second purpose of these "'Aha'aina Ho'olokahi" meetings was to invite the groups to join with OHA in developing a comprehensive master plan. Community meetings were scheduled to begin this month on the neighbor islands. A schedule of times and locations will be announced. The first phase of developing the plan is now underway as OHA staff meets with the five largest Hawaiian organizations— Alu Like ine., Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, Queen Lili'uokalani Trust, Lunalilo Home Trust and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands. OHA Planning Officer Dr. Joyce Kahane explained, "The comprehensive master plan will eventually include input from all Hawaiian organization — their goals, objectives and priorities. This is to have a basis for understanding resources presently available for the Hawaiian community, as well as gap areas. We hope to complete the first phase in several months." Trustee Burgess adds, "The comprehensive master plan will help OHA fulfill its primary objective as mandated under Chapter 10. It will give us lo 9qvi eidt ai r! .(mulneup boold tfi90"r9q (k' n' "■ '

the whole picture. For the po'e Hawai'i it will be a comprehensive document to show what help is already available for them." He adds, "In the modern era Hawaiians were never able to identify the total scope of services available to them. . .This cannot be allowed to continue," he vowed, "and we cannot waste resources either, due to short sightedness. Trustee Ching notes, "If we don't ask, we won't get anything. Those who want to retain their Hawaiian identity will have to stand up and be counted, and act to retain this. If Hawaiians don't care, so be it. All of us Hawaiians need eaeh other. It comes down to lokahi, a united people. Working together we ean accomplish great things." Creating a settlement on the OHA entitlement is an opportunity to develop a solution for the betterment of all Hawaiians. Answers are still pending for a settlement, but OHA is in full stride with a eommunity resources plan and quest for a united people. These steps are not an end to themselves, but represent a new beginning. Ching says, "The issue is one of Hawaiian political strength. Hawaiians must now get involved in the political process by getting out to vote in sheer numbers. We must show we care by choosing legislators sensitive to our issues and concerns. The power of a united vote also will aff ect future numbers of Hawaiians in the legislature." "We're finding our identity and are asserting it. Ho'olokahi was a eall to Hawaiians, a time to feel the mana. Critical times for Hawaiians are now ahead." Burgess concludes, "Onee united, our power will be overwhelming. The voice of the people in this, our homeland, will finally prevail." To be continued.